Today, MEPs lay out their input for the upcoming European Council

MEPs will debate their priorities ahead of the 22-23 June European Council Wednesday at 9.00.

Migration, security and defence will top the summit agenda. The Brexit negotiations will most likely be addressed as well in the debate with EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Maltese minister Helena Dalli representing the Council on Wednesday at 09.00.

Back in May, the European Parliament urged EU countries to fulfil their obligations and speed up the relocation of refugees, giving priority to children travelling alone. They also seek ambitious reform of the common European asylum system.

MEPs also consistently support more cooperation on defence between EU countries, calling on Member States to show political commitment, increase investment, share information, pool resources and create synergies at EU level in order to better protect Europeans.

The top priority for the Brexit negotiations is the safeguarding of the rights of EU citizens living in the UK and UK citizens living in other countries of the EU.

You can watch the plenary debate via EP Live, and EbS+

Debate: Wednesday, 14 June 

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