Pole position: elections in Poland

After two terms in power, Jaroslaw Kaczynski’s nationalist party looks to have lost its majority. For Donald Tusk’s pro-Europe centrists, it’s bargaining time. Thousands of Americans are waiting for transplants, so why are so many…
The Economist

Call of duties: the global costs of war

Conflict in Ukraine has cut short the “peace dividend” the world was reaping. We count the economic costs of a widespread return to a war footing. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s appointment of two economic realists…
The Economist

Trouble in Shangri-La: Sino-American tensions escalate

At a meeting of defence ministers from the Asia-Pacific region, heightened tensions between Beijing and Washington were all too apparent.
The Economist

One Good Term Deserves Another: Biden Declares

He made the same announcement on the same day four years ago and went on to win. But this time, the President is older and less popular. Could he be elected again? The rollout of…
The Economist

Hard pact to follow: the Good Friday Agreement at 25

The famed power-sharing deal did its work of sharply reducing sectarian violence, but a quarter-century on it has led to depressingly dysfunctional politics.
The Economist

A vote for Ukraine: why Estonia’s election matters

The world’s biggest military donor to Ukraine, relative to GDP, is Estonia. Kaja Kallas, its prime minister, just won a resounding victory in an election that was effectively a referendum on continued support for Ukraine.…
The Economist

Fire and grim tone: Putin’s and Biden’s speeches

President Joe Biden’s riposte to the bellicose speech of his counterpart Vladimir Putin was a study in contrast. The Economist examines their views on Ukraine and ask how a lasting peace could be secured. They…
The Economist

Drum Tower: Up in the air

Sino-American relations have been blown off course after the downing of a Chinese balloon. Economist's Beijing bureau chief, David Rennie, and senior China correspondent, Alice Su, explore whether China and America are heading towards a…
The Economist

Drum Tower: Waiting games

It’s been a year since Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin announced the “no-limits” friendship between China and Russia, but is it one between equals? In the second episode of a two-part series, The Economist’s Beijing…
The Economist