The state of the AI landscape

The discussions around AI and its impact on society have accelerated following the release of ChatGPT. But what is really new about these AI models? What are the societal problems they could lead to and…

US-China tech bifurcation

The tech sector has become a key player in the interconnection between economics and geopolitics. It is an essential industry that plays a critical role in shaping national security, supply chains and the consumer side…

The first five years of the GDPR

Andrea Jelinek has been the first Chair of the European Data Protection Board since the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation came to life. We discussed with her the first five years of GDPR enforcement, the…
The Tech Brief

China’s quest for AI supremacy

'the world's premier Artificial Intelligence Innovation centre' is now a national priority, with George Miller
Le Monde Diplomatique English Edition

What’s changing for platform workers in the EU?

Evi Kiorri and Theo Bourgery-Gonse look at the #PlatformWorkDirective proposed by the Commission and discuss what are platform workers? Are they independent or fully employed? What does the platform work directive entail?

The computing power behind AI

Behind great Artificial Intelligence, there is great computing power. Computing capacity is a much under-discussed aspect of the AI race, on which Luca Bertuzzi tries to shed some light with Vili Lehdonvirta, professor at the…