The Age of Unpeace: How connectivity causes conflict

"Economic orthodoxy argues that the more connected two countries are, the less likely it is for conflict to arise. However, economic theory is starting to change regarding this premise. Guntram Wolff is joined by Mark…
The Sound of Economics

Can the EU survive without NATO and the US?

There have been growing calls for a united European defence strategy to confront security threats and global crises. Leaders including EU Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen have highlighted the need for the bloc to…

Transatlantic Tech Talks: Digital technical standards

Transatlantic Tech Talks is a three part mini-series on the Undercurrents podcast feed, produced with the support of Microsoft, which explores the state of international cooperation on digital governance between the United States, the UK…
Chatham House

Artificial intelligence act

The European Commission proposes to establish a technology-neutral definition of AI systems in EU law and to lay down a classification for AI systems with different requirements and obligations tailored on a 'risk-based approach'. Some…
EPRS policy podcasts

What’s going wrong in the Balkans?

It’s been more than two decades since the war in Bosnia ended. It remains one of the darkest chapters in modern European history and cost over 100,000 lives. Since the Dayton Agreement was reached in…
The Real Story

John Kerry: US Special Envoy for Climate

Can America lead an effective global response to the climate change emergency? At last month’s COP26 summit in Glasgow the chorus of concern from world leaders was deafening, but the really tough decisions on deeper…

How South Africa discovered COVID variant Omicron

Today we’re assessing the global reaction to the Omicron variant and the allegations of injustice that surround it.

What’s next for Germany after Merkel?

Germany is starting a new era without Chancellor Angela Merkel as she steps down after 16 years of leadership. So, what's next for the country? And how will her successors take on the challenges facing…

Can the EU’s infrastructure plan compete with China’s?

The European Union has unveiled a global infrastructure plan called the Global Gateway strategy. It's seen as an attempt to rival China's Belt and Road Initiative with the goal of investing in developing countries and…

A new consensus for economic resilience

"Is there a need for systemic reform of global economic governance? The Washington Consensus, first devised in 1989, is an economic paradigm that was reflected in the prevailing economic thinking as well as policy recommendations.…
The Sound of Economics

COP26: success or failure?

Was the Glasgow summit just the same old ‘blah, blah, blah’ or will it help us avoid climate catastrophe? Journalist Justin Worland covered COP26 for TIME and tells us his view on what was -…
The World Economic Forum

Technology: a product of unequal power?

"The effects of digital technology on work and wages. Is technology change neutral? This question is essential in the discussion under the scope of the future of work. In this episode, Bruegel’s own Giuseppe Porcaro…
The Sound of Economics